Anya Ferruzzi

Meet Anya!

VP: Foundation

Going into recruitment, I knew I was looking for a group of women who loved to serve their community and each other side by side. I wanted a place that would allow me to grow and push me to be the best version of myself. Delta Gamma went above and beyond these expectations. I met women who inspire me to be better to this day, and even after only talking to them for a short time during recruitment, I knew that I could always count on them to be by my side.Going into recruitment, I knew I was looking for a group of women who loved to serve their community and each other side by side. I wanted a place that would allow me to grow and push me to be the best version of myself. Delta Gamma went above and beyond these expectations. I met women who inspire me to be better to this day, and even after only talking to them for a short time during recruitment, I knew that I could always count on them to be by my side.

What's your major?

Biological Sciences, Pre-Med

If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

I’ve always wanted to live in New York! I love that there’s always something to do and it has always been one of my favorite places to visit!

What is your dream job?

After I graduate I’m hoping to attend medical school to become a physician. I’m not sure what I want to specialize in yet but have always loved working with kids so probably something in pediatrics!

What's your favorite television show/series?

Grey’s Anatomy!

Favorite restaurant in Baton Rouge?

Counter Culture!!!!

What's your favorite Delta Gamma event?

Paint Your Date!

What's your favorite part about your position?

My favorite part about foundation is watching our philanthropy, Service For Sight, bring out the best in those around me! It is so inspiring to watch my closest friends do good, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to witness the amazing women of Delta Gamma serve our community and each other!

Best piece of advice for a PM going through recruitment?

The transition into college can be difficult, and recruitment can be a challenging time for a lot of girls! My best piece of advice for a PNM is to think about who you want to be in four years, and pick the house where the girls you meet embody those qualities! The women I met during recruitment inspire me to this day, and I am so grateful for Delta Gamma for giving me a group of women who support me each and every day!

If you could pick one word to describe your Delta Gamma sisters, what would it be and why?

In one word, I would describe my DG sisters as compassionate. Our Do Good motto extends beyond our philanthropy and into our daily lives. The women I have met in DG are truly selfless and never hesitate to put others first!

Favorite social media outlet?


What's your favorite class so far at LSU?

I really liked my organic chemistry class! Some of my closest friends in DG took it as well, so we would always study together which really helped us all and made it super fun! 

What's one thing you want to do before you graduate?

Study abroad! This has always been something I've wanted to do and LSU has so many amazing programs!!

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